In the July 26 edition of the Republican-American, the following was published in the "Brass Tacks" column:
Job with Bureau of Water preceded elected position.To say I was disappointed in these developments would be an amazing understatement. This, petty, unnecessary harassment of Alderman Brunelli was the result of an article that ran in the July 21 edition of the paper.Alderman Ernest M. Brunelli wants everybody to know that he got his job honestly.
Brunelli is a temporary worker for the Bureau of Water, which has been accused of nepotism. The son of superintendent Kenneth Skov and relative of Skov's secretary, Marcy Michaud, both work there too.
When the Board of Aldermen sought an audit of the bureau for its hiring practices, among other concerns, Brunelli said he was deluged by calls from people accusing him of abusing his political power.
But Brunelli got his job in 2004, long before he was elected to the Board of Aldermen.
Although friends with foreman Stephen E. Laccone, Brunelli wasn't hired by him, and isn't related to anybody on staff.
He said he was so upset by the accusations he almost quit.
"I'm not an alderman down there," Brunelli said. "I'm just a worker."
While I am not disputing the facts of the article, what bothers me is that certain people will go to such lengths to demonize someone who has held a job for 6 years because he decided to run for the Board of Aldermen 10 months ago. Next they’ll be accusing Alderman Begnal of using political influence to get his teaching job, even though Alderman Begnal was hired as a gym teacher in the 1980’s, and only elected last year. After all, why let facts get in the way of an argument?
I’m further saddened by the fact that the people who seem to be responsible for this maneuver have shown a propensity for attacking anyone and everyone who disagrees with them. It is a good thing for the city when a person goes into public service to look out for the tax payers and making sure that everything is done properly. It’s a detriment to the city when people stop focusing on the public, and start focusing on ways to get their name in the newspaper.
I had an opportunity to get to know Alderman Brunelli during last year’s campaign. While I do not know him well, at every event he came across as a friendly gentleman that had the best interests of Waterbury at heart.
I cannot believe that Alderman Brunelli did anything to deserve this abuse from a few political operatives that see a conspiracy behind every corner and trusts absolutely no one.
Fortunately, many of the comments that were posted after the article show that most of the people who commented share my opinion.
Some of the relevant comments, pulled directly from the Republican-American website:
I think these comments speak for themselves. I hope Alderman Brunelli keeps his head up, and doesn't let this ridiculousness wear him down.Just a rumor wrote on Jul 21, 2010 11:23 AM:
"...This paper goes to great lengths to demonize employees with little or no facts. Relying on Depillo's rants as facts is ridicules...."True Waterburian wrote on Jul 21, 2010 2:29 PM:
"...When will this city learn that all that representatives from the Independent(SAY NO) party says is inaccurate and mis truths. I am tired of this paper reporting these statements ase accusations without verifying thier accuracy "all facts wrote on Jul 21, 2010 7:28 PM:
" It is amazing that Larry D would make accusations of the water department. It is justr retrobution for the superintendent because he suspendedan employee for plowing Depillo's street with city equipment. Laryy utilized city equipment for personal gain. Write about that. "